2018国际(亚洲)医学人工智能大会Internationale(Asian)Symposium on AIMed 第二轮会议通知
AIMed会议(该领域唯一由临床医生+数据科学家组织的专业会议,迄今已在美国成功举办 3 届)是全球规模最大、最全面、最多学科交叉的关于人工智能在医药和医疗保健领域应用的国际一流会议之一。“2018 国际(亚洲)医学人工智能大会”,将于 2018 年11月7日-10日在杭州举办。本届(亚洲)会议由浙江大学、AIMed(美国)主办,浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院、浙江大学睿医人工智能研究中心承办,杭州市滨江区人民政府指导,美国奥兰治儿童医院、美国迪士尼医学人工智能和创新研究院(MI3)、贝壳社等机构联合协办。本届大会是 AIMed 首次在亚洲举行,将是中国医学人工智能迈向国际化的一个重要标志与里程碑。
临床医生驱动的医学人工智能大会,找出临床需要的痛点、盲点,医工信结合,产业化是本届大会的特色。会议邀请了来自美国、日本、韩国、印度等国家和地区的 100 多名外宾,邀请来自政府部门、公共卫生组织、医疗机构、科研院校、金融及相关产业等领域在内各方专业人士,积极参与大会,旨在促进医学人工智能领域学者专家、产业推动者,包括临床医生、数据和计算机科学家、医院管理人员、医疗健康产业人士、创新创业者、投资人等之间的相互交流与交叉合作,为产学研用多方协同、多元合作提供“世界级方案”,形成中外医学人工智能领域产学研用良性互动、务实高效、合作共赢的国际合作交流新格局。
主办单位: 浙江大学(中国)、AIMed(美国)
承办单位: 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院
Dr.Anthony C.Chang(教授,AIMed主席、创始人,美国奥兰治儿童医院首席创新官)
共同主席:舒 强(教授,博士生导师,浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院院长、浙江大学医学院儿科学院院长)
吴 健(教授,博士生导师,浙江大学睿医人工智能研究中心主任)
秘 书 长:谈林华(浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院外科ICU主任)
曹 宇(杭州市科技合作促进会副会长)
叶 璟(浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院外科ICU)
秘 书 : 胡 蕾 (浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院外科ICU)
鲍益耀 (浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院外科ICU)
黄珂珂 (浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院科教科)
董聃聃 (杭州圆正会议展览有限公司)
Wednesday 07November 2018周三 11月07日 Arrivals and Registration (14:00 - 22:00) 注册日(14:00 - 22:00) | ||
Thursday 08 November 2018周四 11月08日 | ||
Morning workshops 8:00-12:30 | Venue: Second floor The ballroom 二楼白马宴会厅 技能站 | |
08:00 | 09:30 | Workshop A: Artificial Intelligence Concepts for Clinicians 医生应当了解的AI While Artificial intelligence will never replace the need for human physicians, it will have a fundamental impact on the role of the clinician. AI tools will assist clinicians to become faster, reliable and more effective. The session will discuss the changes taking place, as relevant technologies become more mainstream. Person in charge: Prof Jian WU 吴健PhD, Director, Real Doctor AI Research center, Zhejiang University, China Speakers: Dr. Harpreet Sood, Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer, NHS England, UK Dr. Chris Yoo, CEO of Systems Imagination, USA |
09:30 | 11:00 | Workshop B: Clinical Medicine with Relevance to Data Science 计算机科研人员和工程师应当了解的医疗程序 The basics of clinical medicine (medical imaging, decision making process, hierarchy and teamwork in medicine, types of practice, etc) and how doctors think (types of biases) will be discussed. Person in charge: Dr. Anthony Chang MD, MBA, MPH, Founder, AIMed& Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC), USA Speakers: Prof Dean Ho, National University of Singapore Prof Danny Chen 陈子仪, University of Notre Dame, USA |
11:00 | 12:30 | Workshop C: Data Analysis Demonstration 数据分析演示 Person in charge: Dr. Zhengbo ZHANG张政波, 301 Hospital, Beijing, China Speakers: Prof Christina Chen, Research Scientist, HarvardUniversity,USA Dr. Peiyao LI 李沛尧, 301 Hospital, Beijing, China |
12:30 - | 14:00 | Networking Lunch午餐 |
Thursday 08 November 2018周四 11月08日 | ||
Parallel Session 1 14:00-17:00 | Venue: Second floor The ballroom 二楼白马宴会厅 TechTransfer,Blockchain, and Data in AIMedine 高新技术论坛 | |
14:00 | 15:00 | AI in Medicine and University Technology Transfer 医学人工智能产学研合作 Moderator: Prof Sam King, President, HFMA Southern California, USA Panelists: Prof Dennis Wall, Stanford University, founder of Cognoa, USA Prof Dean Ho, National University of Singapore |
15:00 | 16:00 | AI Medicine and Blockchain Technology 医疗人工智能与区块链技术 Moderator: Dr. Butian HUANG黄步添, CEO, Yunphant Blockchain Technologies company, China Panelists: Prof Dinggang Shen沈定刚, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), USA Dr. Ying CHI迟颖, Alibaba senior algorithm expert, China Dr. Shuai ZHANG 张帅, Director of Operations, Hyperchain Technologies, China. |
16:00 | 17:00 | Medical Data: Who owns the data and what can be done to it 如何看待医疗数据 Moderator: Dr. SteveRoesing, ASMGi, USA Panelists: Dr. Harpreet Sood, Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer, NHS England, UK Ms. Fran Ayalasomayajula, HPWorldwide Healthcare, USA Dr. Walid Abbas Zaher, Group Clinical Research & Development Director, Abu Dhabi Health Services Company Dr. Raghu Gullapalli, Executive Director, L V Prasad Eye Institute, India |
17:00 - | 19:00 | Welcome Dinner欢迎晚宴 |
Thursday 08 November 2018周四 11月08日 | |||
Parallel Session2 14:00-17:00 | Venue: Second floor Meeting room 1 二楼会议室1 AI Med Startup Showcases医学人工智能产业投资论坛 | ||
14:00 - | 15:00 | Moderators: Prof Fangqi GONG龚方戚 MD, PhD, Vice President, Dept. of Cardiology, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China Mr. Zhiqiang FAN 范志强, CEO, Bioclub, China | |
14:00 | 14:30 | Keynote Speech 1 Ms. Fran Ayalasomayajula, HP Worldwide Healthcare,USA | |
14:30 | 15:00 | Keynote Speech 2 Research and development and clinical application of artificial intelligence in bone age人工智能骨龄研发与临床应用 Prof Junfen FU/Dr. Xuelian ZHOU傅君芬/周雪莲, MD, PhD, Vice President, Dept. of Endocrinology, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China | |
15:00 | 15:50 | Panel Discussion: AI Med industry investment trend 圆桌论坛:医学人工智能产业投资趋势与投资逻辑 Moderator: Mr. Jun WANG汪军, PWC Capital Management Partner普华, China Panelists: Mr. Tao GUAN管涛, President of Star Future Capital星未来, China Dr. Bin LU陆斌, Chief, Dept. of Ophthalmology, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China Dr. Feng GAO高峰, Chief, Dept. of Neurology, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China | |
15:50 - | 16:00 | Coffee & break茶歇 | |
16:00 | 17:00 | Roadshow:AIMedStartups 项目路演:4个项目(医学AI创业项目) (每个项目10分钟路演+5分钟点评) Moderator: Mr. Jun WANG汪军, PWC Capital Management Partner普华, China Panelist: Mr. Tao GUAN管涛, President of Star Future Capital星未来, China Ms. Jing TONG童婧, Investment Manager of Comac科大讯飞, China Dr. Bin LU陆斌, Chief, Dept. of Ophthalmology, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China Dr. Feng GAO高峰, Chief, Dept. of Neurology, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China Dr. Guanping DONG董关萍, Chief, Dept. of Endocrinology, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China Dr. Haidong FU傅海东, Vice Chief, Dept. of Nephrology, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China | |
17:00 - | 19:00 | Welcome Dinner欢迎晚宴 |
Thursday 08 November 2018周四 11月08日 | ||
Parallel Session3 14:00-17:00 | Venue: Second floor Meeting room 5 二楼会议室5 Selected Topics in AI Medicine 医学人工智能专题讲座 | |
14:00 - | 15:30 | Moderator: Prof Jianhua MAO毛建华MD, PhD, Vice President,Dept. of Nephrology, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China Dr. Anthony Chang MD, MBA, MPH, Founder, AIMed& Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC), USA |
14:00 | 14:30 | Keynote speech 1 Dr. Harpreet Sood, Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer, NHS England, UK |
14:30 | 15:00 | Keynote speech 2 Translating AI for Medicine and Health医学与健康领域人工智能转化 Prof May Wang, Joint Biomedical Engineering Department of Georgia Tech and Emory University, USA |
15:00 | 15:30 | Keynote speech 3 Prof Christina Chen, Research Scientist, HarvardUniversity, USA |
15:30 - | 15:40 | Coffee & break茶歇 |
15:40 - | 17:10 | Moderators: Prof Fangqi GONG龚方戚MD, PhD, Vice President,Dept. of Cardiology, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China Dr. Linhua TAN 谈林华MD, PhD, Chief,Dept. of SICU, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China |
15:40 | 16:10 | Keynotespeech 4 Transforming Oncology with Artificial Intelligence 应用医学人工智能改变肿瘤学 Dr. Spyro Mousses, CEO of Systems Oncology ,Chief Scientist and Executive Scientific Advisor for the Sharon Disney Lund Medical Intelligence and Innovation Institute (MI3),USA |
16:10 | 16:40 | Keynote speech 5 Prof Sam King, President, HFMA Southern California,USA |
16:40 | 17:10 | Keynote speech 6 AIMed and Assistant Diagnostic system on renal pathology 人工智能与肾脏病理辅助诊断 Dr. Kun GUI 桂坤, Vice President of NingBo KonFoong Bio Information Technology Co., Ltd. China |
17:00 - | 19:00 | Welcome Dinner欢迎晚宴 |
Friday 09 November 2018周五 11月09日 | ||
Plenary Session主论坛08:30-11:50 | Venue: Second floor The ballroom 二楼白马宴会厅 | |
08:30 | 09:00 | Opening ceremony开幕式 Moderator: Prof Jianhua MAO毛建华MD, PhD, Vice President, Dept. of Nephrology, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China Chairman’s Opening Remarks Dr. Anthony Chang, MD, MBA, MPH, Founder, AIMed& Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC), USA Prof Qiang SHU 舒强, MD, PhD, President, Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University, China Prof Jian WU 吴健, PhD, Director, Real Doctor AI Research center, Zhejiang University, China |
09:00 - | 11:50 | Keynote speeches主旨演讲 |
09:00 - | 10:20 | Moderators:Dr.Qiang SHU 舒强 MD, PhD, President, Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University, China Pro Jian WU 吴健 PhD, Director, Real Doctor AI Research center, Zhejiang University, China |
09:00 | 09:30 | Keynote speech 1 Dr. Anthony Chang MD, MBA, MPH, Founder, AIMed& Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC), USA |
09:30 | 10:00 | Keynote speech 2 Prof Dean Ho, National University of Singapore |
10:00 | 10:20 | Keynote speech 3 Dr. Raghu Gullapalli, Executive Director, L V Prasad Eye Institute, India |
10:20 - | 10:30 | Coffee & break茶歇 |
10:30 - | 11:50 | Moderators:Dr. Anthony Chang MD, MBA, MPH, Founder, AIMed& Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC), USA Dr. Linhua TAN谈林华MD, PhD, Chief,Dept. of SICU, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China |
10:30 | 10:50 | Keynote speech 4 Intelligent Computing for Medical Imaging and Disease Analysis 医学影像和疾病分析的智能计算 Prof Danny Chen 陈子仪, University of Notre Dame, USA |
10:50 | 11:10 | Keynote speech 5 Prof DinggangShen沈定刚,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), USA |
11:10 | 11:30 | Keynote speech 6 Cross cultural differences and impact on AI-driven healthcare with examples from pediatric development 文化差异对人工智能驱动医疗健康的影响——以儿科发展为例 Prof Dennis Wall, Stanford University, founder of Cognoa, USA |
11:30 | 11:50 | Keynote speech 7 Reverse bioengineering for living systems into a chip 生物系统逆向生物工程芯片研制 Prof Ken-ichro Kamei, Associate Professor, Kyoto University, Japan |
12:00 - | 13:30 | Networking Lunch午餐 |
Panel Discussion 13:30-17:30 | Venue: Second floor The ballroom 二楼白马宴会厅 学术论坛 | |
13:30 | 14:30 | Theme: Recent breakthroughs in AI Med applications 医疗人工智能应用突破 Moderator: Prof Christina Chen, Research Scientist, HarvardUniversity, USA Panelists: Dr. Spyro Mousses, CEO of Systems Oncology, Chief Scientist and Executive Scientific Advisor for the Sharon Disney Lund Medical Intelligence and Innovation Institute (MI3), USA Dr. Chris Yoo, CEO of Systems Imagination, USA Prof Lynda Chin, Chief Innovation Officer for University of Texas System, USA Dr. Timothy Chou, Stanford University, USA Ms. Fran Ayalasomayajula, HP Worldwide Healthcare, USA |
14:30 | 15:30 | Theme: Subspecialty Highlights of AI Applications 人工智能在医院科室的运用 Moderator: Prof Jian WU 吴健 PhD, Director, Real Doctor AI Research center, Zhejiang University, China Panelists: Prof Sam King, President, HFMA Southern California, USA Prof Zhuoming XU徐卓明MD, PhD, Chief, Dept. of CICU, Shanghai Children’s Medical Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China Dr. LinhuaTAN谈林华MD, PhD, Chief,Dept. of SICU, The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, China Dr.Yuan NI 倪渊,Head of Medical Text Processing of Pingan Medical Technology平安医疗, China Dr.Jian LI李健, Head of Intel Precision Medicine精准医疗, China |
15:30 | 16:30 | Theme: AI Med and investment 全球医疗人工智能发展及产权 Moderator: Dr. Yu Uny CAO曹宇, Zhejiang Intellectual Property Exchange, China Panelists: Dr. Xianrong ZHENG郑贤榕, Bojiang Capital, China Mr. Freddy White, CEO, AI Med, UK Dr. Steve Roesing, ASMGi, USA Dr. Jin WANG王进, Manhattan Investment, China Mr.Chao YU俞超, Partner, Deloitte China |
16:30 | 17:30 | Theme: AI Med and the future of data science 医疗人工智能与数据科学未来 Moderator: Dr. Anthony Chang MD, MBA, MPH, Founder, AIMed & Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC), USA Panelists: Prof Ken-ichroKamei, AssociateProfessor, Kyoto University, Japan Prof May Wang, Joint Biomedical Engineering Department of Georgia Tech and Emory University, USA Dr. Dean Ho, National University of Singapore Prof Danny Chen 陈子仪, University of Notre Dame, USA Dr. Zhenbo ZHANG张政波, 301 Hospital, Beijing, China |
17:30 - | 17:40 | Closing Ceremony闭幕式 Chairmen: Dr. Anthony Chang MD, MBA, MPH, Founder, AIMed& Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC), USA Prof Qiang SHU 舒强MD, PhD,Professor, President, Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University Prof Jian WU 吴健 PhD, Director, Real Doctor AI Research center, Zhejiang University, China |
18:00 | 20:00 | Buffet自助餐 |
Saturday 10 November 2018周六 11月10日 End of 2018 AIMed Asia meeting |
大会将收取注册费 国内参会人民币1000元/人,国外参会150美元/人。
咨询电话:董聃聃 13819184892,黄珂珂 0571-86670072
(四) 摘要征文:面向全球征集与上述主题相关的论文摘要,择优将刊登在《World Journal of Pediatrics》杂志上(SCI影响因子1.228),并设立优秀摘要奖。请投稿至学术组邮箱:鲍益耀baoyiyao0513@126.com。
投稿截止日期为 2018 年 10月8日。
学术组:鲍益耀 baoyiyao0513@126.com
谈林华 chtlh@zju.edu.cn
会务组:董聃聃 dongdandan0201@163.com, 13819184892
蒋志球 jiangzhiqiu@zju.edu.cn, 13905719718
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